Karasovici border crossing camera. Croatia Montenegro border crossing points HAK real traffic cameras. Both borders.
Both border crossings are open 24/7 365 days in a year for all passengers no matter what passport they are holding.
Before leaving Montenegro and entering Croatia there are 3 gas stations.
Before leaving Croatia there is only one gas station just near the airport of Dubrovnik.
Traffic flow Real time Karasovici border cameras.
Alternative crossings for the overcrowded border crossing point Karasovici or Debeli brijeg is Vitaljina (Cro) or Kobila (Mne) border crossing.
What is the traffic flow and aprox. waiting time at the border crossing check via the google maps if the traffic option is on.
Real time cameras Debeli Brijeg, border crossing points with the Republic of Croatia (EU)

Vitaljina border crossing is open for passenger and car traffic only